Bird Be Gone

Why Bird Control?

Birds can become a nuisance when they choose to roost or nest in unwanted areas. Birds, bird droppings and nesting materials can negatively impact our surroundings by creating health and safety risks, or detract from a building's architectural features. Installing bird control products is a humane way to deter birds from landing, roosting or nesting.

Here are some of the main reasons bird control is important:

Health Risk

Birds, bird droppings and nesting materials can carry 60 different diseases and ectoparasites that can be passed to humans and animals. If dried bird droppings are found near ventilation systems they can travel through buildings, potentially infecting inhabitants with compromised immune systems.

Inventory Damage

Droppings can damage products and contaminate production lines. Birds can often be found nesting or perching on rafters in warehouses and storage facilities. Bird droppings present in such areas may violate health codes.

Poor Image

Bird droppings and nests are an unattractive feature for homes and businesses. Birds on a ledge or sign, or droppings covering a sidewalk, may send a message to visitors that the business is careless.

Cost of Cleanup

Businesses that clean up after birds on a daily or weekly basis are wasting money and exposing employees to health risks. Some businesses spend thousands of dollars each year on the regular cleanup of bird droppings. Installing bird control products can save businesses time and money.

Property and Equipment Damage

Bird droppings may render machinery or equipment inoperable or may require regular clean up so operators are not exposed. Droppings are highly acidic and can corrode buildings materials and stain fabrics. These will need restoration or complete replacement once damaged.

Health Code Violations

Pest bird droppings found in food processing plants, restaurants, storage facilities or other areas may violate health codes resulting in fines, legal action or closures. Birds are considered a pest and need the same type of consideration as, say, roaches or rats.

Work Stoppages

Employees should not work in areas that are unsafe due to an accumulation of bird droppings. Bird droppings carry disease and affect those with weakened immune systems. If an employee becomes sick due to an ignored bird problem, the business will most likely be liable.

Slip and Fall Risk

Bird droppings can be slippery. If a customer or employee falls they may sue the building owner or property manager. A man in New York City was awarded $6 million in 2006 from the city after slipping on pigeon droppings in a subway.

Clogged Drains

Droppings and nesting materials regularly clog drains and gutters. This can cause other problems on roofs and other areas by damming water and creating the potential of flooding.